Understandably, with Thanksgiving just around the corner, I've been thinking a lot about just how grateful I am for all the gifts and kindness that have been given to me by my secret sister this past year. At our church, Grace Community in Willis, Tx, we ladies all put our names ‘in the hat’ so to speak and sign up to have a secret sister sometime in January. We each fill out ‘fact sheets’ listing what our favorite colors, music, food, books, and hobbies are. I’m sure many of you have done something similar. Isn’t it so fun to give and receive gifts? Giving gifts to a friend and somehow keeping it a secret for a whole year is so much fun!

You may remember that I was Shona Cole’s secret sister last year, if you were following my sewing/fabric art blog, DC’s Creations. I made aprons for her and all of her darling girls for the big ‘Christmas Tea Reveal’ which is coming up again in a week or so. It was such a fun project and I knew Shona would love them. I had quite a hunt trying to find fabric in her favorite colors and styles; eclectic style, red, black, green etc.

While we are on the topic of Shona, I wanted to be sure to mention that she is trying to gather a group of bloggers for a get together at La Madeline’s in the Woodlands, Tx. I will be there for sure! If you are anywhere within driving distance and want to join us, just leave a comment at Shona’s post here and let her know you are planning to come. Wouldn’t it be fun to get together? Trudy of Sewing with Trudy, Shannon Mucha of Blu Bambu...Art in the Every Day, and Rayanne of A Lovely Thought… (she hosts Tuesday Tea), will all be there too!

I have to say that this year has been a year of simply wonderful gifts. I’ve received gifts before from wonderful secret sisters in the past, but I wasn’t a ‘real’ blogger back then so I couldn’t have told you about it or wouldn’t have thought to. All of my secret sisters really have been so kind and generous. :o) Several of the thoughtful gifts that my secret sister gave me have been part of previous posts over this last year like Tuesday Tea with Me.

My birthday gift from her, a gorgeous orange ceramic pot with tulips growing in it, was in the background of a hair-cutting video though as you can see here, the poor flowers were about done for by the time I did this tutorial. Her gift came just in time to cheer me up after returning home from an arduous five week stay in Dallas while caring for my father who was dying of cancer. I had to go back a week later for a speech and debate tournament with my son. By February 2nd, my birthday, I was totally depleted and exhausted. I simply cannot put into words what these stunning flowers and flower pot meant to me. I really do ADORE tulips!!—Especially RED ones!

I don’t think I posted about the gift card for Olive Garden Restaurant which she gave me in July for hubby and I’s 23rd anniversary. She literally ‘saved’ our birthday weekend get-away. We didn’t use it on ‘ the day’ as I now recall. We used it to cover going out todinner when I took hubby to a hotel for his birthday. I must have been in Grand Prairie or something. I can’t remember now.
The sun tea jar was the highlight of my post on Frugal Snack Ideas this summer. She gave me such great gifts that I was seriously considering copying her ideas for my own secret sister. I only just restrained myself from running out to Wal-mart to get a gallon tea jar in fall colors and some special teas. The chances of finding a Sun Tea jar in fall colors would have been pretty slim though. And my secret sister never mentioned loving tea…and I have always LOVED tea. Ah well, it really was a fabulous seasonal idea! Maybe next year….
One gift that I especially loved was a tray covered in fall leaves and a fall leaf cookie cutter. (I love fall period… and leaves especially. :o) Being the frugal queen that I am, however, I was sorely tempted to Re-Gift this for my OWN secret sister who just ‘happens’ to love fall colors too. Of course, I just couldn’t bring myself to do that out of gratitude and respect to whoever my secret sister is. (Ok..Yes, I admit it--I really did want to keep these gifts for myself. )

Last Sunday, my dear secret sister out did herself, yet again, by baking me my very favorite dessert… Pecan Pie! And being the generous friend she is, she baked it in a gorgeous pie dish, which I get to keep!!
I almost feel like she shouldn’t even give me a Christmas present when she’s already given me so much. Dear Secret Sister, If you happen to be reading this..then all I can say is thanks! You made it EASY to ‘count my blessings’ this Thanksgiving. I’ve had many, but your gifts are at the top of the list!
What about you? What are you thanking the Lord for this Thanksgiving?
Happy Homemaking!

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