Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I do hope you are enjoying this special holiday as much as our family is. We arrived late last night in Denton and it was just as warm and balmy as it has been all week in Houston. But this morning, it was chilly and blustery—winter has finally arrived!
Mom was up first thing this morning getting the turkey going and a little later I got up to help her. We were busy cooking up family favorites left and right. It’s amazing how easy it is to do a big dinner with three cooks in the kitchen
The kids and dear hubby all had their laptops, ipods, and other electronic ‘toys’ plugged in but were quick to jump up and help out wherever we needed them. In fact the boys ran outside to cover mom’s plants with black tarp in anticipation of a freeze this evening. Rebekah dried and put away pans and dishes while we cooked so we wouldn't have so much to clean up later.

Heather had some special decorations all ready to set a gorgeous Thanksgiving table for dinner. Isn’t this lovely? While we were getting everything ready, Tim’s boss, in Russia was chatting with hubby on Skype, so I wished him a Happy Thanksgiving too, and promised to cook up a turkey when he gets back. It’s so nice for Dear Hubby to be able to have a company ‘pow-wow’ via the internet with his boss. It was the only way to take off for Thanksgiving without leaving his boss in a lurch. Poor Dan is not so lucky. He’s working with the clients in Russia as we speak.

Together, we got everything lined up and ready for everyone. It was a great meal…just delicious! And can you believe it..I made CORNBREAD dressing! Yes, I sure did, and I will say that I liked it…pretty well. I made sure that it wasn’t at all mushy.

Mom made a fabulous dish with green and yellow summer squash and stewed tomatoes. We will have to add this to our list of favorites for next year! Mom and Heather packed up leftovers to take home for Andrew and Ebeth because we had so much left over..even whipped potatoes!

Mom also gave me several gorgeous antiques to take home. These I will show you later this week but I will tell you what they are…a handmade cradle, a lovely magazine rack, and a rocking chair to match the gold chair in the bedroom with carved roses, just to name a few. Mom is always picking up great finds at thrift stores and auctions and then saving them for us. She is a gift giver ‘par excellence’.

Of course, an American Thanksgiving is never quite complete without a good game to watch while eating our pie and whipped cream. Amazingly enough, we never watch football on Thanksgiving, but Heather has good TV reception here, so the family are really enjoying watching the cowboys today. It’s an unusual treat for them. Go Cowboys!

We have so much to be thankful for this year, especially the beautiful home that my mother and sister now have to replace the home that burned down the year before last. Isn’t it wonderful to have a special day to remember all of our blessings? You all are one of the many blessings that I count dear. Thanks so much for dropping by! I wasn’t able to get near the computer for the last two days, so I was thrilled to see all the sweet comments from you, my dear bloggy friends when we finally finished the dishes this afternoon! I do hope you are having a lovely Thanksgiving day celebration too.
May the Lord bless you and yours…Happy Thanksgiving!

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