Today, I was so thrilled to find out that Mommypants gave me this award! Thanks so much Mommy Pants! (You gotta love that name!!) She has a great blog with some VERY creative and FRUGAL ideas..so all you frugal fans..be sure to hop on over and visit her. She has great ideas for saving money while on vacation and how to be fashionable while on a budget. Now that is a girl after my own heart!
Here's how to get your award...
Award Rules:
1. Thank the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 10 things about yourself
3. Pass the award along to 10 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are worthy of the award.
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.
Now for the ten things that you don't know...about me...
(I feel REAL funny doing this. But here goes...)
Hmmm...scratching my head...thinking very hard.....
Fact 1: I love adventure! I've caved in wild caves, helped sail a sailboat, river rafted, rode in a soar plane (no engine), love the Dungeon Drop, hiked through the Hoh rainforest and most terrifying...given a concert (for pay) in a huge ethnic grocery store (playing my own music). I planned on being a missionary to Africa but it didn't work out. Instead, I raised five kids and now live with three teens...it's a real adventure too!
Fact 2: I love love love to sew!!--especially without a pattern. Where other people fix things by painting them, I'm more likely to sew a cover for it. :o)
Fact 3. I am a chicken...period.I hate trying new things that might involve physical danger. (Though I do it regularly.) In fact, our rooster used to chase me because when it comes to flight or fight...well, I'm running! Dog-gone rooster! (How did he know?)
Fact 4. I ADORE chickens and once had 35 who ALL had names!!! (Don't even ask what happened to them...I'm still grieving.)
Fact 5. I love fabric and making pictures with fabric. I am happiest when designing another fabric art piece. And I adore sewing by hand. Machines are for work--sewing by hand is heavenly.I want to do this forever.
Fact 6. I majored in ACCOUNTING! I know..weird. I'm a numbers geek and love budgets. I made a whole set of books for our home when we had only been married six weeks. We didn't have any money, which makes no sense..now that I think about it. :o) But I loved putting all the numbers in their right places. Of course, I also love spending money...which makes even less sense!
Fact 7: I HATE excercise until I start doing it. Let's say I hate boring exercise. The treadmill stinks but square dancing is awesome! I could dance all day and never stop.
Fact 8. I can't whistle, play volleyball, water ski (they said I came up out of the water...but I don't believe them!), and I don't care much for cooking. Plus, I have no sense of direction and I'm always getting lost!
Fact 9: I love OLD BOOKS especially rare ones.I want to be a literature major..but never graduated from college. I have lots of old homemaking books because I love homemaking and have since I was a little girl. (I used to secretly admire pregnant ladies with their big stomachs and spent lots of time dressing up our pets: rabbits, and cats, to be my babies.)
Fact 10: I always expected to be an inventor some day. I used to while away the summer hours inventing things like fake blow dryers, elevators (using a rope ladder, a Mexican wicker chair, and my baby sister), and started a huge fire trying to cook in a hundred year old outdoor fireplace. Thank goodness..Mom put it out just in time!
Now here are ten blogs that I have gotten to know recently and really love....(in no particular order)
1. Colour Me Happy- Maria Killam is such a sweet lady and an amazing interior decorator. I love reading her posts and am always learning things about home decor that I just haven't a clue about.
2. The Shabby Chic Cottage--where were these kinds of blogs all these months? I just now came across this one about a month ago and love it! I'm getting so inspired to try new things thanks to Gina!
3. Brent Riggs--On Building A Better Blog (Poor Brent...I don't know if Sugar Doll is an appropriate award for him! Maybe for his dear sweet daughter though. :o)) This guy is amazing! He not only gives you so much information and tools to help your blog be the best that it can be, but he has other blogs that could change your life. I love his SeriousLife Magazine especially. He's a blog master, pastor, radio personality, father of seven caring for an adopted daughter with cancer and in the process of adopting another child (a baby sister for his daughter). He cares about people and wants to help you live a better life.
4.A Lovely Thought....Home Rayanne is an amazing homemaker with the most beautiful blog I have ever seen...It is lovely, gracious, and thoughtful. Every time I visit...I want to stay. I love her gorgeous photos too. She is the most inspiring homemaker I have ever read about.
4.A Lovely Thought....Home Rayanne is an amazing homemaker with the most beautiful blog I have ever seen...It is lovely, gracious, and thoughtful. Every time I visit...I want to stay. I love her gorgeous photos too. She is the most inspiring homemaker I have ever read about.
5. Like I Got One Day Left to Live by Geetha Srinivasan. Geetha leaves the sweetest comments and is a new friend. She and her hubby are caring for their little boy who has serious health issues. Her blog is now a record of her son's ups and downs, but her blog is full of poetry and photos from travels in India. I am amazed at her courage and fortitude and pray for her little boy and God's healing touch.
6. School For Us This blog is by Dana for her daughter Alex. They are on the great adventure of homeschooling and having an awesome time! Her blog is full of incredible travel photos and great homeschooling ideas!
7. Life and Love in the Country I have come to treasure this mother's stories and comments as she delves in to the art of homeschooling. She is new to this and is bravely facing the challenges. She always has the most profound things to say! When she posts...I read it! And she sends me the most helpful emails all the time. Thanks friend!
8. To Everything A Season By Diana She's the one who put Texas Blogging Gals together and I'm so grateful! She's an inspiring True Blue Texas Gal...and I love reading her posts. If I had her address...I'd send her a Diet Coke!! Thanks Diana for bringing us all together and for sharing your love for the Lord and family!
9. Gloria's Blog VivaLaVida She's one of my favorite artists and blogging friends. I have only gotten to know her well in the last month or so, but she is so faithful in visiting and commenting. Her blog is like a lovely stroll through a vineyard or sitting in the garden sipping a nice cup of coffee...
10. Who's learning? Who's Teaching?by Over Yonder Over Yonder writes about life with her two children and the challenges she faces and the milestones she overcomes each day. She is raising a learning disabled child and is another very brave mommy.
It was so hard to have to limit myself as I have met so many new people whose blogs I love and good friends who have been so faithful! Thanks to all of you for being blogging friends!
Happy Homemaking!
Email me at homemaking@eastex.net if you have any questions about homemaking or homeschooling.
Happy Homemaking!
Email me at homemaking@eastex.net if you have any questions about homemaking or homeschooling.
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