Sunday 11 April 2010

From the Heart....Time for a little chat about my life long struggle...with food...

 Hi Friends,

Today being Sunday, I thought I'd share on a rather embarrassing least for me..... by passing on to you a comment that I left with my friend Deb at Jeremiah 29:11. I share it because maybe I'm not the only one in the same boat.

Most of the blogging friends I see, appear to be quite skinny and I have to say that I'm impressed. I wish I could say the same for myself!
 Tim and I on our honey moon...23 years ago...We were camping...

Deb had taken the time to post her own struggles in this area and asked for any advice, tips, recipes etc. that readers might like to offer. If you have any ideas, I'm sure she'd love to hear from you. And of course, I would too.

Here was my response to her and to anyone in the same boat as myself.

Donna @ Comin' Home
From Deb's post on weight problems..

Hi Deb...join the club! I was never anorexic but all my older relatives either are or have been in the 200-300lb. range. I'm 189 now and don't know quite how it happened. I stayed low after determining to lose weight after the second baby (down to 119) and kept it to 130-140 for many years and through four babies.

But this last six years my weight started creeping up. If I'm not paying attention..I eat. It's that simple. I have to remember to eat small meals and stop. I did the Weigh Down thing too.

Gwen was way off track in her theology for the most part, but she had hit upon one truth that has helped me ever since. It had the most useful life long principle in that the idea of waiting until you are hungry and stopping when you are full makes so much sense both biblically and physically. I've been thinking about this for some time.

I'd be glad to jump on the wagon with you! But you know, you really do look fine--Like the sweet friend that you are. Sadly,I think that I always thought I looked fat at every weight. Now looking back, I wish I still weighed that. It's too bad it had to ruin so many moments when I could have accepted myself and my struggle as one of those unchangeables.

I don't mean to accept the overweightness..that can be controlled...but the fact that I have to be consciously aware of what I eat more than others...that it's a weakness for me.

I think the most important thing I've learned from the Lord recently, is to offer up my 'eating' to the Him. In other words, "Lord let me eat as unto you." I tend towards self-indulgence for comfort and it isn't just food. The Lord has been dealing with other issues. I think that for some of us, hurts in the past lead to a need for some sort of 'comfort'.

You know, Elisabeth Elliot said that we should obey the Lord and leave the results up to Him. We know in our hearts what we ought to eat and ought not. His sheep hear his voice...and he will tell us what we should and shouldn't eat. But if that means it takes five years to lose the what.

Being overweight is no sin..but not obeying the Lord in everything is. At least that's the heart of it for me. I've just not been listening very well lately or heeding.

I don't believe our battle will be over until we die..but if the struggle keeps us close to the Lord..then it's worth it. But we should never feel condemned because we have to struggle with food. Everyone has a struggle with something. It just doesn't 'show' on everyone.

I'll keep you in my prayers, if you'll keep me in yours!

Deb left this reply to me was so sweet! Thanks Deb!

Deb said...
You are such a precious soul, Ms. Donna. Thank you so much for showing off my ornaments. Most of all thank you for your sweet inspiring comments on my post about weight!! What I heard from you made the most sense of anything others have shared via a comment, or e-mail!!! I'm soooo glad God blessed me with finding your blog!!!

Love You All!

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