Thursday 15 April 2010

FlyLady Tips: Anti-Procrastination Day--What are You Putting Off?

 Procrastination is the killer of many a good deed.
Can anyone tell me why I put off cleaning and selling our old refrigerator for such a long time? Today, I'm so excited!!! A man is driving up to buy this silly refrigerator that has been using up copious amounts of electricity for no good reason. It was also taking up precious space that was needed by our Foosball table. And it was driving my husband up the wall...all because of Procrastination...mine more specifically. 

I don't understand why I put things off but this was the dumbest thing I can ever think of to delay! It meant money in our pockets and room to play. And the potential brownie points I could accumulate with hubby were incalculable! Wow! I had everything to win and nothing to lose!

This is the secret to getting over procrastination, according to Don Aslett, author of the 48 Hour day. He says don't write your to do list like this...

  • Sew Mom's cushions
  • Clean and sell refrigerator
  • Pay taxes
How boring..yuck..who wants to do all that!!  Instead, write it this way...

Super Goals!!
  • Sew mom's cushions.(What a great tutorial post that will make--tons of visitors for my blog!)  "Oh wonderful! What a great job! You've done honey" (Sheesh! Now I can get to that rug weaving I've been wanting to work on!)
  • Pay Taxes...( comes the refund check! or Well--at least we're done for another year!! Let's go have a TEA party!!)
  • Clean and sell refrigerator..Won't Tim be proud? "Honey, let's celebrate and go out tonight!"

The idea is to focus on the REWARDS of getting the job done instead of the PAIN of the task ahead!  

How to Have a 48-Hour DayThe job is never as time-consuming as we think! It only took a couple of hours to clean not just the fridge, but the washer and dryer too..and while I was at it I took pictures of some tables that needed to be out of the house. Tons of free space will be open in just a couple of days! I have emails piled up with people wanting to buy all this stuff! Yippee!  Now we will have the money to replace the pump in the water fountain of our tropical pond!
Sink Reflections
Anti-Procrastination Day
Marla of said to designate one day a week as Anti-Procrastination day! This is the day to tackle one thing you've been putting off for a really long time. You will be so happy if you can make this day a regular part of your weekly routine!  I feel like a million tons of weight is off my shoulders now that those appliances and tables are about to be carted away!

Why don't you join me....and next year...We'll do our taxes in February! How about it??!!

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