Tuesday 1 March 2011

Fellowship...the Heart of Tea Time

My tea

Do you know what the best part of a tea party is? Well, I think it's chatting with friends! As I've said before, the guys just don't get it do they? How can we ladies have so much to talk about?

If the truth be told, though, I’m more of a ‘project’ person than a ‘people’ person. I like getting my money's worth out of 24 hours and don't even notice that I'm needing 'people' time...until I’m cranky! LoL!  But the Lord knows me and sends friends my way when I need them most.

Christi's tres dias cup

I knew I was going to be a wee bit lonely this last week when hubby, the kids and grandkids headed off to Seattle.  Enter my good friend Christi. Christi writes LachPach Pics (a family blog) . I love her stories about the kids' adventures.

You met her when she dropped by my place a couple of months ago to help sew a Tres Dias Banner.  Come to think of it, we had a great tea time chat that day too!

sewing with Christi

This week she needed the help and somehow I squeezed it into the schedule. After all, what are friends for?  Chatting with Christi reminded me that there is nothing quite like a little ‘girl’ talk!

Lachney kids

Her little ones made me laugh out loud..literally. 'Mrs. Rodgers…can you sit by me?..Can I take a picture too? Mrs. Rodgers..stand still..I’m going to take YOUR picture" (Oh my..must we?)  Priceless! 

tea time

I had to giggle when Christi, a regular reader of Comin' Home, pulled out her tea cups shortly after my arrival. "Sure," I agreed,  "Let's have tea..and Yes..of course I brought the camera!"  (I was secretly so pleased. :o)

She’s too funny—so much like my stoic daughter, Rebekah. She loves my tea posts...“It helps me understand how people like you think.” (Meaning emotional people of course.) Frankly, talking to Christi helped me understand better how my daughter thinks.(i.e. logical people). I just had to laugh about that. She’s got such a dry sense of humor. 

Working and chatting with Christi always feels like being part of an old fashioned sewing bee. I didn't think I had time for tea..or sewing, but I'm so glad she called me.  The girl time  and the substitute 'grandbaby' time (with her kiddos) were just what a busy mom like me needed. I just didn't know it.

It was the perfect time...for tea!

I'm running fast today, so I can only share one tea party and Lady Katherine's was my favorite!   The serene scene of white china and  the view through her garden windows were like a breath of fresh air...

And best of all were her lovely hens...they look so like my own used to!
 I once had 35 and they all had names...I know..crazy huh?

 Please drop by Lady Katherine's for a visit and keep her in your prayers too. She and her father are both having health issues. She's having surgery next week too.

What about you? Are you a people person..

or a project person? 
Do grab a cup of tea and join us. I'd love to hear from you. :o) 

Linking with
Raising Homemakers Homemaking Link up

Lady Katherine's Tea Time Tuesday
The Plumed Pen's  Tea for Two
Rose Chintz Tea Time Tuesday

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