Tuesday 2 March 2010

Hooded Bath Towel for Children

I have to admit that this is not MY idea!A dear friend, Mary Schultz,  from Sugar Land showed me how to make this and it's been my favorite gift to send for baby showers or children's gifts ever since.  She so inspired me with her frugal ways!

She would stock up at the outlet store on beautiful bath towels and hand towels on clearance and then spend a day sewing them into these towels. She didn't choose 'childrens' designs per se..just beautiful multi-colored towels. They lasted long after the baby had grown to be a small child. Her children all had one and she used them when they went to the beach or swimming lessons.

To  me, one of the best gifts I can give to you, my readers, are ways to show you care and give a gift that doesn't break the budget.  If we can live on less, we can spend more time living...

The reason I can stay at home, and my hubby can work from home is that we find these little ways to do the same thing we normally would, for less money. Besides, when you give a homemade gift, you give a little of yourself...don't you think?

This bath towel gift is for my darling grandson, Brennan.  I will certainly make one for Colin and Nikolai before the year is out, but it happens to have just been Brennan's birthday, and the green towel with a frog and dragonfly was just too cute to pass up!

Here's how you do it....

Project: Hooded Bath Towel

Supplies: Large bath towel
                Matching hand-towel

  • Fold over about 1" of the long side of the hand towel, pin in place and stitch about 1 inch in the center of the fold to hold it in place. This makes a nice edge to the hood.

  • Fold the hand towel in half, right sides together and sew the back of the 'hood' together with one straight seam. The back of the hood will be the opposite side to the edge that is folded over.k

  • Find the middle of the large bath towel and mark it with a pin. Match the back seam of the hood with the center of the bath towel and pin in place with the right sides together.

    Now you have a darling gift for the next baby shower or birthday!

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