Friday 5 February 2010

Meet My New Grandson!

Isn't he so darling?  Tim and I are so happy to have another grandson.  The first picture is of Brennan (1) and Nikolai and the second is of Colin (1)with Nikolai. These three are my grandchildren from my oldest son, Matthew and his wife Amanda who are stationed in North Carolina at Camp LeJune.  I sure wish they lived closer!

I'll let Amanda tell you all about the birth of Nikolai in her own words.......

Here are a couple pictures of Nikolai that Matthew took.  The labor was really great.  I started having contractions around 3 Monday afternoon, but didn't really go into labor until around 9.  The doctor broke my water just after 2 am,and he was born about an hour later, at 3:20.  Only the last hour after my water broke was really intense, before that the labor was fairly mild- I'd much rather have a 7 hour labor like this one than a 4 hour labor like Colin's!  Colin and Brennan were both very intense from start to finish.

Nikolai was born weighing 9 pounds, 1 ounce, and 21 inches long. He had a pretty low blood sugar level right after he was born, even after nursing, so I had to give him a bottle of glucose formula, and that helped bring it up to normal.  They still checked his sugar level every few hours until he had several good readings in a row, because it had been so low, and they wanted to make sure it didn't plummet again. Everything else was pretty good, and the hospital was very supportive of me wanting to have a natural birth.  They knew I'd already had two home births, and that Brennan was close to 9 1/2 pounds, so they weren't too worried about me, and let me do pretty much whatever I wanted.  All in all, it was better than I expected it to be.

Colin and Brennan both love having a new baby.  Brennan wouldn't even look at either me or Nikolai the first day, until Matthew brought him up on the bed and made him touch him.  Today he's been climbing upon the bed next to us and "holding" Nikolai and giving him kisses. It's really sweet!  Colin from the very beginning has been bringing toys and blankets for him, and wanting to do everything he can for him.  He got kind of freaked out when he saw the umbilical cord when I did a diaper change- I don't think he was expecting that!  I told him that was how his belly button was made, and "the black thing" will fall off when it's done, and that made him happy again.  He's been doing a lot better than I thought he would.

One of us will send some more pictures soon.  I just wanted to get a couple sent now so everyone could see the new little guy.

I can't wait to see this sweet little cutie pie!

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