I was so surprised to find out I had won Trudy's sewing blog giveaway, because I only commented just to let her know I do like her blog and check it regularly. I'm not much of a blogger, but thanks to her advice, I finally got counters on my blogs and can now tell that I have visitors and when. I thought nobody ever checked my blog and was about to give up blogging all together...and just get back to sewing! If you are visiting, because she mentioned me, then all I can say is, "Welcome!..and Howdy!" Just last night, I about had a fit when I saw all the visitors and where they were coming from. Wow...I'm just stunned! And Hello to whoever the new follower is...you are one of the few...the proud...and except for Trudy..the ONLY public follower and I hope you enjoy my posts!

Trudy, thanks for including me on your sewing blog! If it was up to me, I probably would not get any visitors. I spend a lot of time sewing and relatively little time blogging. I'm so glad to have a sewing friend at church because it gives us a chance to talk shop. Thanks for encouraging me and giving me tips on how to 'get out there'. You are a very good seamstress and an even better blogger! Making friends is a talent too...and Trudy is very good at that.
And Trudy, Thank you again, for having the drawing! Hmm...I wonder what fabric this will be?! You have a very nice stash!! Winning the drawing was such a blessing to me because our family is on a pretty tight budget. It's one of the biggest reasons that I started sewing so much. If I can figure out how to make it..I'm sure not going to buy it!
I would have emailed you sooner, but I'm swamped with sewing angel's wings and king's collars for our church Nativity..and am praying to have a bit of time to make some candles in time for the Christmas market this Sunday. And I did that last post on easy aprons because I woke up feeling guilty for posting a project that was cheap..but not easy. The first apron post will appeal to my sewing friends, because we want to make a cute apron with fabric on hand, but my second post is my gift to my newbie sewing friends who want to sew something...anything..if it isn't too hard!
Blessings to all of you...I've been enjoying your comments on Sewing with Trudy and you seem like a really nice bunch of ladies.
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