Wednesday 21 July 2010

Obviously not universal.

Hi Guys,
Obviously the gravity baseboard registers aren't universal! Sorry to rest of the world, we old Americans just think everybody has what we have. With this internet I am learning all kinds of things. I am getting together the leather technique in about a week. I want to get the last half scale chair done and I've got more okra and tomatoes to can. I will then be going to Chicago to visit my daughter.
Yes, I take the pictures with one hand and have the other in the picture. One picture does have both hands that my son took for me. He didn't think I could do as well as I do. I wrote a couple of machine knitting books for the Passap knitting machine and took all of those with a 35 mm SLR, one hand on the camera and one hand demonstrating the technique on the machine. He just doesn't know what his old mom can do, does he!

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